October 23, 2010
Mr. Jeff Robinson
8652 Water Fall Drive
Laurel, MD 20723
Dear Jeff:
Business Leadership PAC is pleased to endorse your candidacy for election to the Maryland Senate in District 13.
endorsement is based on your response to our questionnaire, evaluation of your campaign, and the make-up of your legislative
district. Your election to the state legislature will provide a much needed commitment to improving Maryland's
business climate. We urge you to use this endorsement and, in particular, to use this quote in pursuit of the
votes and financial support of your all-important, core constituency of business people. Tell the media in your district about
your Maryland Business Leadership PAC endorsement.
The purpose of Maryland Business Leadership PAC is to support incumbents
and challengers whose voting records and/or positions on business-related policies will strengthen the Maryland General Assembly's
commitment to a favorable business climate. We endorse and support candidates - regardless of party affiliation - whose philosophies
will encourage business formation, expansion, and job creation in Maryland.
Maryland Business Leadership PAC provides
endorsements to incumbents who have a four year cumulative score of 70% or higher in Roll Call, the annual "report
card" of the legislature published by Maryland Business for Responsive Government (MBRG) since 1986. We also look for
challengers who score highly on the candidate questionnaire and have a business friendly background. After careful review,
we provide endorsements to some incumbents who score below the 70% threshold but have been particularly helpful on business
issues. Experience shows that states with a minimum average pro-business score of 70% for all legislators are the winners
in the interstate competition for the jobs and capital that stimulate economic development.
The Maryland Business Leadership
PAC's bi-partisan selection committee - recognized as affiliated with Maryland Business for Responsive Government (MBRG) -
makes its decisions on a strong consensus of its members.
Maryland Business Leadership PAC wishes you good luck. It
looks forward to your success on November 2nd and in the four years ahead.
Robert O. C. Worcester